torsdag den 19. august 2010

Working hard.

Behind our House is there a big spot. You can't really call it anything, because it's nothing.
Before we had stones, trees and all other wirred stuff laying over there, but now... Yeah look at yourself.
One of our neighbours offored to come and clean it all. I'm sorry, but i haven't got a picture of it before.

tirsdag den 10. august 2010

Yeah, I know.

Yesteday I was out shopping with a good friend of mine. So I bought all the Karate Kid movies and i looooove them. I really want to see the new Karate Kid movie.
Is there someone out there who has seen it, please comment how it was! :D

onsdag den 4. august 2010

Can you say, ready set GO!

I haven't been doing so much lately. Yesterday my mom and I went shopping. I decided that I would by all my school stuff because I'm starting about a week, and to be honest, THAT SHIT IS REALLY EXPENSIVE! Oo'

I have also bought a new smooth iron. It is so cute, it is not so big, a mini smooth iron! :D